Well, Ive been on the knife making kick for a while and I haven't made a bow in almost a year so I thought I should start putting a little saw dust in the shop instead of sparks.
I had a really nice piece of osage given to me by Brad and a bunch of small pieces of bocote that I had left over from other bows so I decided to try to put everything together for a couple of 54'rs.
I had enough osage to make one set of lams and I decided to use black glass on the other.
Both would have a bamboo core.
A little glue, a little shaping, and a ton of sanding..... two bows were born. I was having so much fun finish sanding that I decided to finish a bocote and black glass bow that I made a while back that came in at 76 lbs... I just thought hey, you never know when Roy might stop by and want to shoot a glass bow...