I am new to building bows. I have learned so much from this form. THANKS. I have made 5 bows so far with only one successful build, a bow for my son-a pyramid bow at 48 total length, red oak, 46 nock to nock and a draw weight of 20lbs at 24 inches. It works great for him and and have gotten good reviews form his instructors.
I have been trying to make a heavier short bow for myself and have snapped the rest, mostly due to hidden knots and, to be honest, poor tillering.
This brings me to the core of my question. What is the most efficient way to remove material from the belly prior to tillering? I have used rasps, planes, files and a belt sander. None have been a particularly good balance between efficiency and control. Is a scrapper an option for bulk removal or just fine tuning.