:D Well how bout that..............been on thu Gang fer a long time and never made it to the top. One heck of a surprise and my children think I'm famous now. Gotta love kids!
Wish I had some crazy story about fighting off wolves and bears......errrr snow snakes
to stalk up and make the shot but no such luck.
That buck got lucky the first time I had a chance at him. Pretty early in the season I changed my stand location on a real small piece of property I hunt and he came in with a group of does first thing in the morning.
Think I was hunting with a Brackenbury Quest that day. He did exactly what you would want from any deer and stopped below my stand at about 10 to 15 yards. Raised the bow, came to full draw, "plunk"............. Nothing. He jumped back a couple steps and then walked away. All I managed to do was ding up a broadhead in the dirt.
Pilot error for sure.
I wasn't able to get back to the woods for some time due to the birth of number three but when I did get the chance, I was a little more focused.
Pretty sure it was December 18th or so when he made a huge mistake. The second rut was kicking and he greeted a doe with fawns under my stand.
This time he was a bit farther out, twenty one or two yards and when the Widow tossed one he went strait down.
My first traditional buck was on the ground and I was pumped. Big time!
Thanks fer askin.......I'll never forget that hunt.