Hello Fellas.
I feel like I have a lot of info but it`s not well organized in my head. So I`d like to ask some questions, following some older posts I`ve read here and on other forums:
1) I understand that the more wood lams you have between the glass- the better. I`ve read about some guys using 7 or even 10 lams.
What will be a good "standard" number of wood lams for bows up to 60#? I use 3 wood lams (1 tapered, 2 parallel).
2) How much does the grain orientation matters (I mainly use maple) ? I`ve been told that the core needs to have straight grain, but what if I use, say, 4 lams with different grain orientations and glue them in opposite directions? How important is grain oriantation in a glass lam bow?
3) What`s you take about using Stabil-kore or the like? Will a D/R longbow benefit from it and how?
Will it make the bow more durable and compensate for bad grain orientation (if there is such a thing)?
4) When using stabil-core, does it count as another core lam? Does it add draw weight like a wood lam? How do I calculate it in the limb stack?
That`s all for now.... there`s TONS of info online, too bad it`s not concentrated and organized in one place....
Thanks in advance