I'm not going to pick a fight about this with you. But do you owne a Widow recurve? Most of the guys that have them that I have talk with say that they have to shoot stiffer arrow then most recurves out there. And I didn't say you wouldn't see a differnce in trajectory, I said you wouldn't see that much of one. If we are talking 3-4" that isnt that much to me. And I didn't say I wasn;'t going to take people advise, but most guys out htere think 2018 is the magic arrow that will fit and thig from 49-59# draw. I have got alot of PM's that are rude saying the same thing you have said, but not as nice as you have said it. I just don't under stand why guys think that because they shoot this arrow at the same weight in there bow everyone should and if the don't there wrong.
As for the diffrence in the 2018 and he 2020 yes the 2020 is stiffer and yes thats why I was asking about it, I dont think a 2018 with 150gr to 200gr is stiff enough for what I want. I like high FOC as do alot of people, do I need it and a heavy arrow to kill a deer? NO But then again why not.