Thanks for the interest and compliment. :D The Surewoods are heavier than cedar and MUCH stronger, of course both cedar and the DF varies but on average I believe it would be reasonable to expect about 50 grains extra weight from the DF. If you need a certain weight range check with us and we'll try to get you where you want to be. Across the spread of spines we have, uncut shafts run about 350 to 450 grains to give you an idea.
No tapered shafts yet, sorry.
As far as spines we are stocking 40-70 but much higher spines can be ordered in, we can get Surewoods in spines well over 100#!

I hope in the future we'll be able to have even more spines in stock all the time.
I personally believe the Surewood DF is stronger than other DF, I can't prove it but it's my opinion after having used them for some time now, again it's the attention to detail that makes for a stronger shaft. I've been shooting the same dozen for about 9 months and one hunting season. The only shaft I've retired I sliced with a broadhead. I've yet to break one and that includes a lot of boo-boos and slapping one off a fleeing whitetail (long story, I don't shoot at running deer!). Don't compare these with other DF that's simply run off from boards. They're not the same.
Hope this helps, Tim