Since three weeks I own a Blacktail Elite VL T/D 46# @28". I must tell you it is indeed a beauty and great to shoot with.
Before this BT bow I owned a Great Plains Palo Duro 47# @28" B-model recurve which I really liked. As comparison between the two: The BT shoots 10 fps faster and to be honest it took me a couple of days to get used to the grip but now I'm fine and can get my arrows in a 6" ring at 20 yards which gave me more problems with the GP. I have changed to a slightly different shooting style/technique for my BT compared to the GP but, for me, it gives better scores that way.
Since I am mostly shooting 3-d competiton, speed and quietness is not really an issue but it sure makes a difference between other recurve shooters at such an event. I like a quiet bow that also has good speed.
One time, at a 3-d shoot, I had the opportunity to shoot a BW PMA T/D which was quite noisy with string silencers installed. I told the owner to adjsuts/tune the brace height but he replied that he did not want to do that as he liked the bow the way it is. So you see, and also what George is saying, it all depends on personal preferences.