The winter in Buffalo is sometimes way too long…it is actually snowing again right now. My younger brother and I are kids at heart and we are always coming up with fun archery games to play in my basement range (“reindeer games” as our wifes call them). Shooting our 3-D deer and turkey targets every day sometimes gets boring so we try to come up with other "targets". Among some of our reindeer games, we play speed arrows, trying to shoot a certain number of arrows in a set time at my kids old stuffed animals, we have made an enlarged dart board to play 301 and cricket, and grided out a tic-tack-toe board on a swinging stuffed square bag target...I don’t think I can describe some of the others as we seem to make up new rules every time we play (or when I’m loosing).
What kind of fun archery games do you play? Based on the recent weather trend, we may be stuck in the basement a little longer than anticipated! (Yes, we do shoot in the snow a lot...the cedar arrows we lose are usually pretty warped come spring!)