Going from top to bottom, we have a John Strunk yew, Dakota (strung), Toelke Lynx, Hoyt Satori, Schafer longbow, Morrison Shawnee, and Robertson Vision. On the wall to the left is an old AMF Nighthawk.
Here we have a Bob Lee Bicentenial Elite, Black Widow Anniversary, Bob Lee Ultimate, Shaffer Silvertip (in shadow), Dakota Longbow, Bob Lee Legacy, Robertson Fatal Styk, and old Black Widow (in shadow at bottom).
Here we have a Bill Price Longbow, and a Toelke Whip.
On top we have an old Sanders target bow, and on the rack we have from left, 2 kids Samicks, a Samick Nighthawk and another Toelke Lynx, 2 period Bear Kodiak, another Bear Kodiak and a Bob Lee Smoke, another Nighthawk and a Robertson Wolfer, and on the right end another Dakota and a LaClare Shrew.