It does have a bit of grain run off. On the sides, there's not much I know to do about that beyond buying a better board from git-go. On the back and belly of the bow, if I would've laid the bow out diagonally on the board, I might've beat the problem of the grain runout there. I'm very much learning here. Next time I'll at least have something tol draw from when I hit that issue again.
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Here is the probably the worst of the runout on the side of a limb.
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Pat B., thank you (and you too, Yellowwood!) for your help! I don't know if my photo of the runout on the side of limb will make this post or not. Still trying to figure out posting photos. I just figured even IF there was an "acceptable" amount of runout here, I'd rather back it for reasons like you mentioned.
I'm fairly certain that I'll probably make every conceiveable mistake with tillering and everything else that happens when making a bow. It's a learning thing that I'm hoping I'll get lucky enough to shoot a few times........
Added in EDIT: Well back to the drawing board on uploading photos from my phone. I'll try taking some with my little Canon Sureshot digital, uploading those, then see what happens, I guess......
Do those hve to be re-sized smaller?