Well Hatch, you been playing in my back yard. I live about four miles from the KOA, and yes Mill Creek is a special place in the world. I won't even ask you how many Cutts you caught. Crazy isn't it? You were also in premier bear country. Mill Creek drainage is a real hotspot for blacks and the occasional griz. Up the West Fork of Mill Creek, a griz marks the forest service sign at the trail head every spring with a paw print. Within a few weeks after he leaves his signature, black bear hunting gets real good. According to the local biologist, there are more colored blacks in that drainage than anywhere else in the state consisting of blonds, cinnnamon, chocolate, full black, marked blacks, and my youngest son harvested a true brown two seasons ago.
And you are right Brother Carter is one of the top notch guys here. Anyone coming here that is looking for Sunday worship opportunities should check out Mountain Springs Baptist Church.