Yes I had one and was spewing when the clown who was supposed to be looking after my gear in Sydney (I was living in Thailand at that time), lost it. I never saw it again. I could have sold it and redeemed some of my money.
At the time the exchange rate was very bad and it cost me about $1,300 to get to Australia.
I am the wrong person to ask because you will not get a good report from me. This was a few years ago now and I had not cottoned onto the idea of buying customs over the net. At that stage all of my bows were Martin because that was the only brand my archery store in Sydney stocked. I had not been enlightened at that stage.
Now I have had the opportunity to buy so many beautiful custom bows I do not look very favourably on Martin.
It seemed a big clonky bow and I reckon for the money there are so many better bows around. Like all Martin bows I have owned it was not very refined or particularly well made. For a recurve too it was very slow. My Turkey Creek at the same poundage would make it look like a kid's toy.
I won't get started on the wretched Savannah that I owned because that was even worse.
Do yourself a favour and look at somethng else.