Thanks to all who posted, PMed me, emailed me, or shot me a text. I’m pretty sure that I’ll be going with a cocobolo riser, juniper limbs, a beavertail grip, and some whitetail antler limb tip overlays from this guy taken last year on one of my bow hunts. I’ve been meaning to turn him into a knife handle or two, now he will become a bow and if there are some premium parts left over with the right shape and size then he may still become a knife handle too.
I’ve been asking Bob to build a 2-pc Sierra for years and have gone through countless take downs to find a bow that I consistently shoot as well as my Sierra longbow to no avail. I got a message from him last Saturday that he is now doing 2-piece Sierras so it’s time to turn my one and only keeper into a backup for a 2-piece version of it with otherwise identical specifications for length, grip, weight, etc. Ive never really cared a lot what woods my bow was made of but I figure since it’s a ground up build I may as well play the looks game and make it pretty to boot.
Update for those who may go digging into old threads. This is what Bob and I settled on... Cocobolo riser with some minimal osage orange accents to build up the grip, a black G10 I-beam for strength, and carbon fiber socket, bamboo limb cores, mountain juniper veneers on the backs and bellies, whitetail limb tips padding, black beavertail wrap on the grip and beavertail on the arrow shelf.