So I have been working on setting up my poor man's tiller tree. While putting a couple of different bows on it to see how they look I found that this one looks very off to me. I won't mention the name even though I expect most if you will know what it is. I have it pulling pretty much at the center of the bow but even when I move the that point it still looks much the same to my eyes. I see the right limb looks to have a hinge at the fades and stiff on the outer limb. I also noticed that the tips don't pull an even distance, which as I understand throws the timing way off, yes?
Anyhow, if you would be so kind, tell me if I am just seeing this wrong and need to re-evaluate how I look at tiller. Apologies that the pic is crooked, I was trying to hold it at draw and get the pic at the same time.