It hit me last night after I wrote my last act of babble, you need to know the following: 1. The lacquer will dissolve plastic. I'm anal about my brace height and when I remove a string from my bow, I will tie the loops together with tape to prevent the string from unwinding. When ( and if ) you try this, tie your loops together with a trash bag tie or something with metal wire in it so it won't be dissolved and let your string unravel. 2. After you wipe your string off, let it sit for some time so that no lacquer gets on your bow finish. I usually wait a day. 3. Your ends will look bleached out and scraggly if thats a word. The wax helps to keep the string appear clean and without frays. Once you take the wax out of the ends of your strings, you will tons of little frays that the wax was hiding. These frays actually act like a bowhush or other silencing material without clogging up your string groove with additional material. According to Rob Lee, its very important to keep the string grooves clear so that the string can always go into it.