Well, tonight was just a great night for bow hunting.
Kicked a little basket rack out from under my stand on the way in, then had three more come walking through within the next 20 minutes. About 4:10 a whole parade of does and fawns came heading by, then here comes a nice big fat buck. As he went past at about 8 yards I got a clean pass through. He went about 80 yards and went down.
The nice part was the bow I was using was an ILF set up I tuned back in June and hadn’t shot since. Guess it still worked.
I went home and got my wife who came back and helped me field dress it and hang it up to cool for the night.
We were on our way home when she asked if it was an 8 point or a 10. I looked at her and laughed, I didn’t know. Still don’t. I’ll have to go back tomorrow and count them.
Went back, it's an 8.