Longbow deer pizza restaurant review -
Price - $$
Service - haphazard staff, appeared to be related. One spoke in grunts and relied on female for location of all cooking supplies. Apparently the most critical and hardest to find item is hot pepper flakes.
Seating - "informal" at best, one patron was observed having a later secondary seating of pizza taken on the living room couch.
Food - It turned out very good. The dough is easy to make from sourdough that we have kept in our fridge for years. We used this recipe -
https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/sourdough-pizza-crust-recipeNote - there is an option pizza crust flavor in this recipe but you will not need it.
We made a double batch of dough but would not have had to. Our pizzas had a very substantial crust, we could have made them thinner. The crust has a a heft and slight toughness to it with excellent flavor. Two pcs of pizza like this is enough for a man. I had three!
We usually use just plain deer burger for toppings but used deer sausage this time. Either is fine. Shake some dried Italian seasoning across the top of the pizza before baking. Or season any way you like.
Cook time was 35 minutes but we would use a slightly thinner crust next time so about 30 minutes.
I don't know how to spin pizza dough to make it nice a round shaped but the texture of the dough seems like it would allow it if you had the skills. It had a rubbery feel.
Would we make this again - Yes, definitely. I think we will try a stromboli like wrap using this same crust. I should have saved some dough for that.
This recipe using deer burger and sourdough pizza dough in lieu of the french bread might be worth a try -
https://life-in-the-lofthouse.com/stuffed-french-bread/ Note - Supposedly sourdough is the best bread if there is a good bread for anyone watching carb intake because of its digestive properties. I have my doubts about that because how could those microbes or what ever they are survive the oven? But science says it is good stuff. I try to be low carb during the week, so feel slightly ok eating sourdough bread.