Not sure if my posts on other threads inspired your post, but I currently have one of Coltin's "Prana" static recurves and am thoroughly impressed. Coltin is a pleasure to deal with and he built and had me mine in only a couple weeks. Sadly I have it listed for sale simply because I'm bow rich once again and a couple others I have been trying to move haven't been getting any love. I secretly hope the Hurst doesn't sell because I love how it shoots, but when you have too many good ones...well you know how it is I'm sure. Coltin was mentored by the Robertsons and Kota bows as well, so he knows what goes into a good bow. The build quality on my bow is top notch, and I have owned enough bows to be able to comment on that. The Prana is fast and quiet. Coltin's bows, with their encapsulated riser design, bear a strong resemblance to Jim Neaves' Centaurs, but there are enough differences, like limb width, unique grip shape, shaping on the riser and tips, that using the word 'copy' would be a big mistake. The young man has his own style and execution, and I love how he puts his woodburned logo, the "brand" on the riser. They are priced competitively also and I think before too long Coltin will have a number of orders. The Prana recurve is definitely a neato bow. I would also like to try one of the longbows eventually.