That's what I thought, just wanted to make sure. Sounds like you're having a similar issue that I had with mine, when I got it. I'm right handed - and the quiver hung low off my right shoulder, kind of sideways, and felt very awkward. I wanted it to ride so that the nocks rode closer to my ear.
Initially. the strap was mounted so that on top, it was all the way to the right (laying the quiver down so that we're looking at the side that rides against your back), the lower fixed a little in from the right.
After trial and error (resulting in lots of holes), to get it so I can reach the nocks without the "bump"... again, looking at the quiver laid down, strap side up: The top of the strap is all the way to the LEFT of the quiver, and laced on the INSIDE of the body.
The lower strap is laced all the way to the right, a few inches up from the bottom.
Just a start for you. If you're a lefty, reverse the description. Pics are involved for me, I'll try to get some posted another time.
FYI: David Mitchell, on this forum, has built loads of nice quivers... might do a search for his posts, or send him a PM.