Every year I make bunch of fancy tillering gizmos to put on the St Jude auction. I try to make most of them special out of highly figured wood like this one of spalted birch. They do well on the auction bringing $20-30 each, the more figure, the more money they bring. Being a flintlock builder I am a master of using aquafortis to bring out the figure in maple
I am out of everything but crotch wood walnut and am looking for any of the figured scrap anyone might have that can be cut to at least 6/12" long and 1 1/8" suare. It needs to about the softness of maple or less, I can't pound the nut into woods as hard as osage or hickory without splitting it.
I sold one gizmo for $5 about 20 years ago and haven't sold one since, even though I have passed the 250 mark in making them to give away or donate. All scrap collected will be turned into gizmos for the auction.
I will gladly pay for a flat rate shipping box of any size box of scrap you wish to donate for the cause.