You need to phone Mike at Maddog Archery. Very respectable and loves younguns with enthusiasm for our sport!
Mike makes a great bow with his pup longbow, I have bought 3 over the years and still have them even though the kids outgrew them very quickly. They can only be drawn to 24 or 26". With a 13 y/o that is 6' tall, I don't think he can make one within your price range to fit their growing needs @ 13, they are just starting their grown spurt. a 48" kid bow will not fit this bill for very long.. The next bow up is the prairie predator, but at $300 or so it appears out of your price range.
not certain if you were wanting 1 bow for both of them at $200, or 2 bows at $200 each.
My recommendation would be the Black Hunter Takedown 30-35#. $129 each shipped from the manufacturer, sometimes cheaper other places.