It's an honor and privilege to have been born an American. I don't take that lightly at all.
America is still the best place to live on planet earth.
The people of most other countries want to be here, while people in too many other countries want us exterminated.
And yet on this day many Americans are too wrapped up with their family gatherings and BBQs and fireworks to reflect for just a few moments about the extreme hardships that took place for the birth of our nation over 240 years ago, give thanks for the sacrifices of those who fought tyranny, and realize how blessed we all truly are. It was almost a miracle. It was not a perfect nation, but it was like nothing ever seen in the history of the world, and as the decades passed we got better at defining our principle freedoms.
Today, our American Constitution and our way of life is under ideological attack from within. May we all have the mindful courage to understand the truth, and the wisdom to avoid that which would destroy our American way of life.