First off I have to thank Bernie! I recieved a gift wingbone call from him a couple days ago and it is AWESOME!! It took a little bit to get used to as I have never used one but I am finally starting to make noises that are similar to a yelp...that or a walrus mating call! LOL
I also made up another box call. I used the same paddle off another that I made awhile back. The box that I made on the other was made entirely of wenge and it didnt give a good sound so I tried another wood combo. On this one I used Red cedar sides with Canary wood front, back and base. This one sounds alot better. The wenge on the other was just way too deep sounding. This one still doesn't sound perfect but alot better.
Are there any tips you turkey call makers can give about the construction of box calls that are essential for a good sound? I just looked at pictures and made mine so I am sure that there are some things I need to do that I cant see from a pic.
I'm hoping to head out this week and try and use these two to draw in a turkey and get my first longbow turkey. I had them all over me two weeks ago but I haven't been able to go since then.
Here are a couple pics. I still need to countersink the screw and dress it up with a brass screw.