There has been some changes in staffing at St. Jude. I'm working on getting a new system down for having St. Jude give TradGang credit for our event. We have our name on the wall at their donation center and part of that comes from keeping track of donations found through this site. Until we can establish a streamlined behind the scenes process with their new employees and myself, y'all just email me actual receipts. Having the actual receipts will allow us to verify payments here on Trad Gang but more importantly help us work behind the scenes with St. Jude to make certain Trad Gang gets the recognition for each donation that was sent through this charity fundraising event. There is a lot going on behind the scenes so y'all just hang with us please.
I have updated the AFTER AUCTION PAYMENT INFO sticky at the top of each auction forum page to include my email address for you guy's receipts. This information can be seen below as well.
As the person who gets to sort out all of the PayPal transactions, I ask that you please include the following information in the notes of the transactions. Without these details, it will be much, much more difficult for me to sort through hundreds of transactions and match buyers with donors and confirm payments.
To Pay via PayPal or card...
1) Pay with PayPal straight through the St. Jude Donation Page Here:
2) Click the "print a receipt" link
3) Send a PDF file, screenshot, or clear/high resolution picture from your phone of the receipt direct from St. Jude to my email at [email protected]. Anyone who fails to send an automated receipt or screenshot of it will have to wait on St Jude to send me their reports for me to clear their items for shipping.
4) Include in the email the following information:*Forum 1/2/3/4 - there are typically multiple forums of donations and sometimes things like Big Jims Bows may have multiple donations spread throughout the multiple bid forums to give everyone multiple chances at such items
*TG Auction for "whatever you bid on" - "TG Auction" will help St. Jude's send me accurate reports of who donated and the "for ..." will help me locate the items on the auction listing
*forum name/handle - this identifies you as the bidder
*your mailing address - this is for me to forward to those who donated via PM
So for example if I bid on a Big Jims Custom Bow that was listed on the first bid forum, the email would have the receipt attached and would read something like:
Forum 1
TG Auction for Big Jims Custom Bow
Garrett Polk
1234 Street Address
City, State, Zip Code