An update on the St.Jude's Auction. I apologize for the formatting, but you should be able to decipher the numbers.
Here, with the totals provided above, is a breakdown with the Checks/Money Orders ready for mailing to St. Jude's.
Checks $11,633.00
PayPal $5,118.96
Don's Total $827.00
Total Payments received (Current Total) $17,578.96 $17,578.96
Bid Forum#1 All payment's received
Bid Forum#2 Missing 2 Payment's $220.00
Bid Forum#3 Missing 3 Payment's $1,396.00
Total Outstanding Bid Payments $1,616.00 $1,616.00
Potential Total $19,194.96
It has been a over a week since the last check was received. My plan is to mail all Checks and Money Orders to St. Jude's on Monday.
THANKS to everybody for the help and support provided to the KID's, it is much appreciated.