I didn't notice it mentioned or asked anywhere, but I did see where you said you shot three under....
ARE you using two nock points? One under the arrow and one above with about a 1/16" play so they don't pinch the arrow at full draw? This alone has solved more issues for customers of mine than most any other thing!
Now, if your arrow nocks are too tight on the string, this can be a mute point.
I would say that a 600 spine arrow is the correct spine and about 100-125 grains up front or whatever makes you happy. Overall length is something that should be tuned from personal observation.
Charts are ok if you "really" know what you are doing. I find that most might have fair or even good information, but few "really" know. Draw lengths are often exaggerated even if not intentional. A static measurement means little. So often we change what we are doing when actually shooting and again when tuning.
Arrows kicking to the left for a right hander are most likely too stiff and not too weak especially the lighter the weight of the bow. The arrow tries to kick to the right, but hits the bow on the way by and kicks back to the left..
None of this means anything if your arrow is striking your bow because you are only using one nock point!