of course....the first morning I can get out its raining. I never even checked the weather, since the wednesday forecast called for partly cloudy today. Showered, dressed, open the garage door....darn! grab the rain gear and headed out.
after about two hours of calling with no response from my natural blind, everything soaking wet, I look at the watch. 7:30...think I'll go check on the trail cam then head to work. climb out of the blind, and decide to leave all the stuff there (except my bow) at the edge of the field and drive up to load all the wet gear into the back of the truck...so I head out to check the cam, walk back to the truck, start driving to the field....
hmmm...what are those dark shapes about 30 yards from the blind....they kinda look like turkeys. weird, thats not were I but the decoys. [explative]....THOSE ARE TURKEYS. hit the brakes...reverse about 15 yards to get out of sight. jump out grab my recurve, throw on my glove and stalk up using the crest of a hill and a pine tree as cover. get to about 30 yards and see them standing BETWEEN my dekes. unfortunately they are just hens. but it certainly got the blood going. waited til they walked out of sight, then went and retrieved my wet stuff....
this was my first turkey hunt in quite a few years and at least I saw some birds. :D