I have no direct answer for your shafting questions but unlike woodies or alums, carbons are typically more difficult to select and tune. The following may be of help to you in your quest ...
The ONLY carbon arrow shaft that typically works out of a wide range of bow weights, arrow lengths and FOC, are the AD Trads. If you've got the money, I'd strongly suggest going in that direction, because that tapered carbon has that good of a track record with almost all archers/bowhunters.
Though I use AD Trads, I mainly use those cheap Beman ICS Venture/Bowhunter shafts in the weaker 500 spine rating. These are quite durable and accurate carbons.
My prime hunting bow is a Firefly TD hybrid longbow, 60", 55# @ 29" and my Beman shafts are cut to 29" with a 100 grain brass insert, and a 200 grain point/adapter combination, for a total arra weight near 550 grains. The resulting high 27% FOC gives me an arra that flies like a dart, with a 4" x 1/2" nanner 75x105 four fletch. By regulating the insert, adapter and point weight, I can use the same arra for other bows down to 40# in holding weight. The arras fly great in all cases. I pays to look into weaker spined carbons, even if you want a high FOC with lots of up front weight. Good luck!