I had a great 2 1/2 day hunt with my grandson, this past week. One of the worst ever for seeing deer. But we had a great time.
I used my Liberty English longbow.
I didn’t come close to even getting a shot. But as we walked in, I covered everything I could think of regarding hunting. Looking for intersecting trails, which way deer were moving, deer tracks, scrapes, rubs. How to really slow down and walk as quietly as possible and observe natural things.
The highlight of one day was my grandson said “Grampa, I see a doe coming towards us”. Well, I couldn’t see anything as it was about quitting time. I kept looking and finally saw something moving towards us, about eighty yards away but it didn’t look like a deer.
Finally Miles said is that a cat? Yup. My first sighting of a bobcat while hunting.
After I returned home, my daughter texted me and asked “how much would a longbow cost for Miles?” Yes, he’s hooked.