Several times in my life I have had conversations with people about shooting a longbow and the same thing comes up, "You gotta get close to use one of those."
That's part of the beauty of the beast, and that is hunting.
I really don't care how someone else hunts but I just never had any interest in the mechanical devices.
I got interested in archery when I was about 5 years old and at age 6, I got my first bow.
I didn't think I would ever get old enough to deer hunt, but eventually I got there.
And to me it's still "Bow Hunting".
I'm not knocking other methods of harvesting game, I'm just trying to explain that Bow Hunting to me has been a very big part of my life and don't have the words to get most people to understand it.
It's not a challenge, it's a passion, and I didn't do it to impress anyone but myself.
So pull'em back and put'em where you're look'in.