Hal has come closest to my first question for you BEFORE I can formulate an opinion. What do you want to shoot? If you are interested in shooting only targets then all you need is enough arrow speed to minimize the effect of cross wind and gravity. If you aspire to kill a grizzly or cape buffalo you probably need a heavy arrow traveling as fast as possible. So, what do you plan to shoot? Your friends here might already know but I certainly don't.
I started shooting 60 - 65 # back in my early 20's. I've been doing that for close to 50 years. But now, at 73, I find that I hit much better drawing 52 - 54#. I have a 29.5 inch draw length to that's what I figure I am getting from a 50# bow. I plan to hunt whitetails and elk for as long as God will let me. With a 620 grain cedar arrow I can hold a 5" group at 25 yards and I figure that will do for whitetails, elk and similar game. That's what I plan to shoot. What do you want to shoot?
Best Regards,