I know many of you have and still suffer from it.
You are not the only sport that suffer from it. ( shack on the free throw line ect)
Many are afraid to talk about it because of fear it will show up
I say It is fixable in every case. without shooting right to left handed ect
Understanding its make up why it comes. why it takes over and how to control it over it controlling you
Fixing TP will not make you a great shooter. It will make you a better shot. Just like a better release will make you better. It wont make you beat a guy who is a God given better shot. Much like fixing your swing in baseball will up your average but not make you better than a guy with better eye sight and eye hand response
It is your conscious mind working or turning over the shot to the subconscious then your not being able to take logic control or conscious control again, your subconscious pattern control takes over. Like when you drive home and get there wondering how you did it.
There is not one way tp comes on and not just one way to cure or control it.
tp is all in your head and fixable
It is not being over bowed as many say. over bowed can bring it on like many things ( shooting IN front of a crowd) ect
Im older have helped hundreds in many sports as a coach with the problem, would like to pass on 50+ year of study and just love the sport or seeing feathers fly through the air. with bow or fly rod.
So If you would like to talk about it I am willing to for free but be forewarned if your a smart !!! I will stop talking with you or charge you 500 hundred a hr for private work.
There are few thing more beautiful than feathers flying to your mark enjoy everyone
Think I will go enjoy some now
God bless