I tried writing a message but I'm on a ship, and the internet is nearly non existant. coincidentally, I just tried this 5 minutes before reading this forum discussion.
I"m way off on this chart, but my arrows seem to fly good. I've slow motioned them. The way I understand, the numbers should be as close as possible? I'm way off, I think I'm 26 on the bow, and 62 on the arrow!!
My bow is a martin savannah, I said 1.125 for the strike plate, but not sure. 16 strand fast flight, but again, not sure. I draw about 27" . The bow is 55lbs at 28".
The arrows I been using are 400 spined gt traditional carbons. I'm thinking I cut them at 30.5". I have 50 grain inserts and 125 tips, with 5" sheild cuts. 12 grain nocks. I do know its off a little as these weight in at 520 grains, but on the calculator its 480. The arrows seem to fly good. I can't get on the internet 99% of the time currently and I'm away from home for 2 more weeks. But I do have a few videos of the arrow flight. When I bought the bow, they supplied 400 spined, traditional only 3 rivers arrows. Their shorter, but can't say actually. I'm thinking 29". 125 grain tips, 15 grain inserts, and regular nocks.