It was a long, windy, rainy season for me fellas. All the gobblers wouldn't play along. On the secondy to last day, after arriving to my area late due to getting off work at 8 am, I had to change spots b/c the toms were already in the hay meadow. After some yelping, a hen crossed the meadow and came toward my decoys. I put the bow against the corner of the blind and took some pictures of her:
Then I noticed that she had a beard! In Oklahoma, a tom turkey is defined as a bearded bird, regardless of sex. At a distance of only 3 yards, I sent a Muzzy Phantom through both her lungs. She still managed to fly off, but crashed in a pasture just over the tree line. I got my first traditional turkey!
Not to worry either, she wasn't on a nest. She had four unfertilized eggs inside her. My guess is that she was wanting my jake decoy to change that!