Yesterday I went and shot my Bob Lee " Hunter " I went to the shop and tested the weight of my Bob Lee is 40# @ 28" and at my draw length of 29" it comes out right at 42#,
Having said that, it is a fairly low poundage bow but it was shooting at 189 fps with 435 grain arrows.
This is where my problem is, I woke up this morning hurting from fingertip to shoulder. About a month ago I had a muscle in my back that was hurting. And then I started waking up with my whole back hurting. I didn't think anything of that I thought it's was just a disk problem. Three days ago I asked my wife,
" does Lipitor have any muscle problem symptoms"
She did the research, and found out that it does. I have been off of Lipitor for about three days, and still hurting, the doctor told me stop taking Lipitor because it is the problem. I had a cholesterol averaging 212 for the last three physicals so they put me on Lipitor. It took my cholesterol down from 212 to 72, in 2 & 1/2 months, that's usually fast. Lipitor just reacted with my system really fast.
But when I started hurting from shooting traditional bow, I just thought it was that I was an old geezer,
like the rest of you of course, so if you're having trouble when you taken Lipitor check into things.
I hope they don't take this off of here, because it's no different than have a thread about shoulder surgery, just hoping that I can help someone, that may not understand that is taking Lipitor.
Thanks ahead of time administrators
Pastor Carl