We hunters are a lucky breed, don't you think. This thought came across my mind as I was hunting with Ken Mowery yesterday. It all took place as I was watching a big tom walk through the ferns and hardwoods not 30 paces from where I sat, searching for the hen that had attracted him. A creature with the eyes of an eagle, and he never even knew I was there.
What we see, what we know, that others may never comprehend; it's spectacular, and a little humbling. I thought of those who will never see the sun rise above the treetops. Of all the people who will never breath in deep lungfuls of that cool, clean air of a spring morning. People who will never enjoy the red squirrels as they race and chase through the forest floor.
Mostly though, I thought of the people who will never be serenaded by some lovestruck turk. Who will never know the thunderous gobble that can freeze you in place and almost force your heart from your chest.
Spring is back my friends, and we are the lucky few who can see it for what it truly is...