To many, this may not be an issue. However, for my entire life, I have struggled with finding boots that fit and do the job I need them for. The job for me has been hunting boots. I need them to be waterproof and wide.. i mean WIDE!
I have had many pair custom made in the past but they all seemed to lack something. Also for some reason, my feet have grown in the last 10 years.
Forever, my foot measured 13 EEEEE, but for some reason I am now a 14.5 EEEEE. Difficult to find in anything, but impossible to find in a rubber boot!
I have had rubber boots shipped from all over the US and Europe with the promise of boots that run wide only to be disappointed.
Fast forward to last month.. When I left Colorado my hunting boots stayed there until the garbage man picked them up. Blisters on both big toes, one heel and the bottom of one foot, it was time for action.
I contacted Lathrop and sons .. again and pulled the trigger on some customized hunting boots and amidst the conversation, found out that they could help me with rubber boots as well.
Lathrop ordered in a set of 15 side zip lacrosse and did a little of their magic on them and I now have something I thought I would never have. An insulated rubber boot that doesn't choke the life out of my feet!!
I have a pair of their hunting boots on order as well, but that will take some more time.
look them up even if you don't have special foot needs. Lathrop and sons. Extremely helpful folks with similar goals in life. Thanks,BigJim