Thanks for the insightful responses.
I got 45#, so I wouldn't be over bowed. I couldve got away with 50# with the straight bow, though. Luckily I didn't, because I get wrist slapped by it, I reckon because of the brace height.
I'm still in reserching phase...along with experimental shooting with different styles.
So far..3 under and a glove is good. Point of aim.and gap shooting, rather foggy yet on those shooting styles.
I figured these bows will be great for building the form and muscle memory.
Still researching about tuning and arrow sizes.
I've been using resources such as:
Traditional Archery second edition, Sam Fadala.
Masters of the Barebow vol. 3
Bryson Ferguson barebow 101 video (that's already missing like an arrow under the grass..?)
YouTube videos.
Still trying to find a archery shop that knows something about traditional bows..
It's been a a rewaking and rewarding experience removing the training wheels (compound bow).
Still love my hoyt and Jennings bows. To let ya know...