If you have not yet purchased any raffle tickets for the Black Widow/Timberhawk Bow Raffle I have a request. The mail is extremely slow as it is taking anywhere from 7-10 days for a check to arrive. If you intend to buy tickets, when you message me if you could include a photo of your check I can go ahead and get your info onto the stubs and send a photo back to you before the payment arrives. If you have issues messaging with a photo, just let me know and I will message you my cell number.
I want to thank everyone for their ticket purchases thus far and encourage those of you that are on the fence to jump in and buy some tickets. Our Wild Game Dinner and Bow Raffle is the biggest fundraiser that we have and the last two years we have brought in enough to pay for almost 10 months of the mortgage on the CLC (Community Life Center).
For a small country church with an attendance of 40-60 people, that really lessens the financial burden! Thanks again to all that have supported our CLC and to Trad Gang for allowing us to sell out tickets on this site! Mike