Author Topic: Ferric Nitrate for curly maple.  (Read 6736 times)

Offline Appalachian Hillbilly

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Re: Ferric Nitrate for curly maple.
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2021, 07:44:25 PM »
Max that is very nice!

Here is a piece that I had dyed with Kita wood dye first then put Ferric Nitrate on half. It seems to have lessened the effect of the frric Nitrate. This looks promising! The darker portion is dye first, then ferric nitrate

It had a coat of semi gloss poly over it.

Offline Flem

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Re: Ferric Nitrate for curly maple.
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2021, 09:53:12 AM »
Hillbilly, you can get some pop from your dye job with a wash coat of de-waxed shellac and it should not cause any glue failures.

This outfit has an extensive collection of regular and de-waxed shellacs. Some also work as excellent toners, if you want to tweak the color subtly. 1/2lb cut mix is perfect for sealing off dyes and stains. I like to buy the regular stuff and decant it. The shellac wax is good for sealing utility wood among other uses.

Offline Appalachian Hillbilly

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Re: Ferric Nitrate for curly maple.
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2021, 10:53:11 AM »
Flem , thanks for the tip! I have really worried about the epoxy on clear lams over the maple.

I have a good supply of ambrosia, curly and fiddle maple. Figured maple and walnut or rosewood combos are my favorite!

The risers I am not so worried about.

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Re: Ferric Nitrate for curly maple.
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2025, 12:52:52 PM »
I have some very curly maple that I want to do a riser for a 3 piece bow out of. I love the color and look of the old muzzle loaders. Here is a sample piece. Anyone done it?


I'm new here.  For full disclosure, I've not shot an arrow in probably 50 years....  I found this by complete accident.  Pardon that I'm essentially, not one of you.

Here's my story:

My father (95 years old) has the family bible.  This bible is probably every bit of 150 years old.  It is (guessing) 12x18x9  (wxhxd)

Now, think of a cake plate.  Flat glass plate....with a clear dome on top to cover said cake (less that which you've mashed into your mouth!)

I want to make a presentation box for the bible.  It would be flat (like the plate) and the entire top with sides, would come off as one piece.

I'm thinking Walnut for the base... and thinking maple for the top half.  (very top cutout with a glass or plexi window to see bible inside)

I've never done this.  I forgot what I internet searched for.....but I came across this thread and saw the first picture.....stopped me dead in my tracks!!!! 

Since I am bow ignorant, I didn't know what the security questions were to gain access to had to do some internet searches  lol  :)

For you that are woodworkers....  what I'm wondering is if you use Walnut as a base (I'm thinking start at 2" thick so I can machine it down and have edges routed so it wouldn't be four square sides).  Anyway, FORGET Walnut....  clean slate.  What woods would you think compliment each other nicely?

Would the picture in the first comment here, blend well with walnut as it really caught my eye!!!

If not, any other ideas?  I realize this might not be your point of interest.....then again.....if  you're making your own bows.....  if you're making finishes like I saw....  you just might enjoy something like this.

I appreciate any thoughts you may have.  I'll admit....  if I get some ideas and do them, I'm essentially "gone" from I'll tell you what....  if I make this happen (and I fully intend to), I'd be happy to post progress pictures so you can see what you helped guide.  THAT be honest, I don't anticipate doing anything until maybe summer as I really hate working outside in the cold.

Thank you!

Online Shootrj2003

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Re: Ferric Nitrate for curly maple.
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2025, 10:53:36 PM »
I’m new here and didn’t want to be accused of restarting an old post but since he did ,I’m alright and I have a bit of experience with said substance .My baby I built around a Lyman barrel
it was my best build in muzzleloaders ,.50 cal. ,This is the handle of my first bow I’m doing now from the same piece of wood.

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