handle area after glue up.

Here is the belly side looking at the riser. The string is running center of bow. I was holding the camera just off center. The Arrow pass is made of Ipe & Osage, a 11/32" arrow sits 1/8" before center.

Here is the bow at brace, It is 6" off belly side of handle.

Now here She is at full draw of 24"... She is right at 53# at the 24" draw... Here is 2 pic's The first one is a stiched pic of the bow. This shows the limbs to be dead on with one another.

The Second pic is just a single pic of bow at full draw.

I still need to Finish shaping the handle & sand down the whole bow. I started to shoot about 10-12 arrows at 1/4 draw... I'll do a total of 30 then move up to half draw then full. I'll also check tillering in between sets.
I really want to show off the woods ( Red Oak, Wenge, Ipe & OSAGE ) so I'm just doing a poly finish.. When Deer season gets here She should be nice and ready...