For a newcomer to this I would advise to pick a system that has been fined tuned by an expert and stick with it. Do not claim that you should reinvent the wheel right away. For Hill style John Schulz "Hitten' Em Like Howard Hill", for modern longbow Byron Ferguson, and his how to videos, recurve Gfred Asbel. Pick the style, the miscellaneous equipment, and the bow to match. Forget your compound draw length your new draw length will be shorter, do not think you need a heavy bow, unless you are already monsterously strong. I can shoot 90 pound bows and so can my son. He shot a 244pound 22'' wide ten pointer a couple of years back with a 47 pound Hill style longbow. His second hit took the buck down at 55 yards on the run, with the first shot going through both lungs at twenty. Unless you are hunting moose you won't gain all that much going over 55 pounds.