If you look real careful you can see the armadillo that decided to walk out in front of a target just as I was getting ready to shoot.

I don't know anything about these creatures so I didn't even try to sneak up on it to try to get a better pic.
This next pic is of my favorite target on the course because it seemed like every time I was there, there was plenty of shade in the waiting area.

Well I've never claimed to be a good shot and I'm sure if you asked around most would agree that I'm not. But I am kinda proud of this last group I put together on the last target at 64yds. I know the pic is not that great but there's 4 arrows there 2 are holding up the bow and the other 2 are at about 7 and 8 o'clock.

Well shooting at paper is nothing like shooting at my 3d targets at home but I still had a great time. It was nice to shoot someplace that actually had bow racks that us longbow shooters can use.

Hope you enjoyed the virtual walk thru part of the Indian River shooting range. If you are ever in the area you should give a try. At $5.35 a day it's not bad.
Unfortunately my time in Florida is up for now and I'm on the road home in the morning.