Many are aware that I have had several bow trades/purchases perking out there. Wednesday, between the mailman and the UPS guy and the FedEx guy, I received four bows! Maybe 3 1/2, I'll let you call it...
I had been concerned about some very minor damage to my Morrison ILF riser. Bob assured me it was of absolutely no consequence, but it bothered me. He said he'd repair it and mail it back to me for $25. Mailed that out last week and it got here today. Terrific service! May or may not keep it, but it's now perfect. You can call this receiving a bow or 1/2 a bow... your choice
The mailman also brought a long box came from Gary Sentman... returning my Pearson longbow and the new Project X, or Moosejaw Classic (My attempt to get a recreation of the 1950's longbows). Over the past year, there were both a Project X1 and a Project X2, neither of which quite got there. Let me say that Project X3 is a success! Gary was very enthusiastic about this project and fell in love with the bow himself. You can see why the minute you pick it up. It looks and feels exactly like one of the old ones. It's perfect for me... 31# at 25". Here are some pix of this one:
There are lots more pix on a web page I did for the whole Project X... shows X1, X2 and the new one.
Here's a link to that: Getting back to the deliveries, the FedEx guy brought me a Sunset Hill longbow I got from another list member. It's named "Sweet Music" and definitely makes some. Pretty bow, draws smooth and shoots very still and quiet. very nice. I will do some work with it today and try to post pix later.
Then UPS guy brought the anticipated long box from Howard Hill Archery... my new Longbowman's Choice. this may well be the most beautiful Hill I've had yet, but I may have overestimated my shoulder for it. Craig hit the weight I specified, 38#, but it's got a pretty stiff power curve and I'm having some trouble with it. Again, I'll try to do some more work with it and the camera and get pix and reactions up for everybody later today or tomorrow.
Sorry this is coming in stages, but meeting one's responsibility to show new bows is tough after a day like Wednesday!
Dick in Seattle