Hi Dave, it’s been a while.
Yes I mowed the trails. It wasn’t too bad except for the low areas where there wasn’t any wind. I thought I was going to die. I walked away completely soaked but feel good about getting the place cleared. Yeah the poison ivy is thick just like it is at my place. Poison Ivy must be the state plant.
There is a tree down between (I think it’s) the fourth and fifth butt. I will try and get over there and clear it out of the trail and spray some Roundup on the butts.
I have heard the name “Lorenzo” from a few people but I have not met him.
Yes, there is a static range and walk through range about a mile east on I29 on HH highway. The ranges are on the north side of the road. I didn’t know about the walk through range either until this year when Brian and Dave showed it to me. The entrance for the walk through range is about 100’ northeast of the pavilion.
Yes you shoot at jugs. There are dirt mounds for the butts and a jug is held in place by a wire against the mound. Low tech but fun just the same. So if you shoot the range, take a gallon size jug or two with you and replace the shot out jugs or in some cases put a jug on the mound where there isn’t one. I think there are a total of 15 target butts in the walk through range.
I had a steroid shot for my allergies last Monday and it seems to have really helped with my allergies. Still sneeze, wheeze and leak but a lot less then before. It doesn’t help that I live in the middle of a hay field.
No still working on it. I thought I would do the Platte Falls first because the frame work is all there it just needed to be cleaned up a little. Hopefully it will get some use.