This week I received a Quinn stallion, #46 @28, "60 long. I have heard so many good things about these bows that i found a deal on this one and thought I would try it, if I didnt like it I had a buddy who would probably take it off my hands. Well, everything I had heard about these bows is true, no handshock, smooth drawing all the way back, no stacking,and fast! I strung it up, set nock, and my first shot with the bow at 20yds hit a 3" circle I was shooting at center. Next 2 shots hit the top and bottom of the circle!Now this was with shafts are too heavy spine for it, but I am really going to like this bow! Have to hold it pretty snugly, or the way the grip is made it will roll off the meaty part of my hand if held loose and shoot left. I have been shooting it, trying face walking and this evening started at 17 yards walking backwards and shooting every 2 or 3 steps out to 40 yards for 10 shots. All 10 shots were in a 6" circle, in the lung/heart area on my deer target! This poundage and a super smooth shooting bow was some of the best shooting I have ever done with a traditional bow!
I owe a lot to people on this website for recommending these bows, I think they are one of the best kep secret's on the market. This bow shoots right up their with my 2 BW's, for me any way. Thanks everyone for all your feedback, as usual it doesnt get any better than the folks here. Sam.