Suttoman, I guess my style is "gapstinctive". I gap shoot but I don't have to think or dwell on what my gap is. This comes from a lot of shooting. In my opinion the secret to shooting well is multi faceted.
1. Consistant grip or hand placement. I belive it was Rod Jenkins that said let your bow decide what it likes and repeat it. When I first got my Banshee it took me three or four days to learn how to grip the bow.
2. Alingment-bow shoulder pointed at the target.
3. Consistant anchor from shot to shot. I use a double anchor. Thumb at the back of the jaw and nose touching the cock feather.
4. Rock solid bow arm. Can't hit squat if you are shooting on the pass by. I concentrate on follow through, not dropping the bow arm until the arrow has struck the target.
5.Smooth release. I don't force myself to release but rather let the "sight picture" or the arrows relationship to the target trigger my release.
If I fail to do one of the five the shot isn't a good one. So basicaly if you have good form you cannot help but shoot better.
6. I shoot better now that I ever have. I belive that is due to the fact that I dropped down in bow weight from 52 lbs@28 to 42 lbs@28. I also shoot every day even if it is only 10- 15 arrows.
Of course this is what belive. I am sure others will agree or disagree.