I would be interested in learning if any sort of documented scientific study has ever been done on wounding / loss rates of game shot with barbed broadhead styles.
Its my understanding that some states have made them illegal to hunt with.
I was wondering if their is a solid reason for this, or the're banned purely from the perception of them being inhumane.
Now, before replying, take a second to read this.
Extract from Hunting the Hard Way, by Howard Hill.
How to make arrows.......Pg 117
One might ask why it is an advantage to shoot the head of the arrow completely through the animal. if the barbed-head type of broadhead is used and it is shot completely through the prey, there are ten chances to one that the protruding head will hang on some limb or brush in a short time and will pull the shaft out, so that if the game has not been hit in a vital spot, there will be left a clean wound which will heal quickly.
For this one reason I use only barbed broadheads.
I have never seen a broadhead arrow come back out the way it went in unless someone pulled it out, no matter what type of shoulder the head had; yet during my 25 years of hunting, I have had at least thirty arrowspulled out by having the barbed head hang on limbs, weeds, tall grass and so on. In nearly every instance of my shooting mountain lions, other cats, and bear, the broadheads have gone completely through the animal and stuck in the ground beyond the game
Thats Howard Hills take on the subject.
It has also been my personal experience that even with an animal down, it takes a planted foot and a two hand grip, and sometimes the arrow ( non barbed) comes out and sometimes its a surgical job to cut it out.
I have never seen a solid arrow strike in game, where the animal shed the arrow, so from that perspective, where is the logic in being down on barbed broadheads.
Is the perception of them being a wicked design correct, or did Howard Hill have it right?
A lot of modern broadheads are barbed, particulary in the mechanical broadhead category.
Something to think about