I think this whole thread got out of control real fast....
I think there are some pieces missing as well that moderators removed...
I do have to agree with Rik, however, that a salt block, even one that has been removed, could very well be interpreted as "baiting" according to Idaho law...
Salt for elk is a bit like ice cream for us. Certainly we don't need it. We get plenty of calories and nutrients from other foods we eat. But we sure do like it, and if it's there, we rarely say no. Once the "addiction" to a mineral lick or salt block or a salt infused area has started....
as far as ethical I am divided.
Jesse, good on you for doing pre season scouting. Right there it says you are passionate about your sport and care about your time in the field...
Anyway, my point is this got way out of control way too fast. We all need to simmer down, we are all here for the same reason and all "out there" for the same reason as well. We can disagree with each other's methods, recurve vs. longbow, baiting (or conditioned in this case) vs. not.... but that doesn't mean we are attacking each other.
My .02