I didn't intend for you to believe I was saying all Bison Gear was good for was to be used as a duffel bag.
That was what the questioner said he was going to do with the pack, so I was limiting my discussion to his intended use.
Several folks have brought up discussions of fanny packs and the like...the questioner was very specific in that he wanted to use a Badlands 4500 or a large bison gear pack. I was only remarking about those two packs.
If you know Badlands, you know that they are tall and narrow, and someone packing all types of gear and groceries in them will find it difficult sitting in a tree and getting out the particular item they need when compared to a Bison Gear pack, as they are better suited to hanging in a tree and reaching in to grab items from, among the many other things they are also suited to, which I wasn't discussing.
Angelo is a dear friend, I love his products- they are well thought out and well made.